FAQ & Troubleshooting
Error Message when Signing In
If you receive a red banner when attempting to sign in, your computer is most likely signing you in with the wrong account automatically. To fix, visit office.com and sign in with your account there. Once that is complete, try signing into TPlanner again.
Class is publishing but events are missing from Schoology calendar
The TPlanner class most likely has the incorrect Schoology classes added to it. Go the the TPlanner class page and click the edit button. Then ensure that the periods chosen match with the corresponding Schoology classes. Also remember that two Schoology classes cannot be added to the same period within the same class.
I archived the class but the events are on the calendar still. Is there a way to remove them?
No, there is no way to automatically delete all the events associated with a TPlanner class once the class has been archived. However, if one deletes the class instead of archiving, all the events will be deleted from the calendar correctly.